Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Intellicomm (TM)
Copyright (C) 1991-1994 Liberation Enterprises. All rights reserved.
1 What is an Auto-BIF?
An auto-BIF is simply a working BIF for a BBS that has had some minor
modifications made to it, been ZIPped up into an archive called
ICOMAUTO.ZIP, then uploaded to a BBS. When fellow Intellicomm users call
a BBS, they first try to download ICOMAUTO.ZIP. If the download is
successful, Icom extracts the BIF, asks the user for his/her logon name
(and perhaps date of birth and home phone number if necessary for
logons), then configures itself for full automation on the BBS in
seconds. When an ICOMAUTO.ZIP is available, no BIF Learn is necessary,
no prompt tweaking is necessary, and no hassles of any sort stand in the
way of automated calls. Just a simple download sets every Icom user on
the BBS up for full automation.
The idea is that there's no need for every Intellicomm user to repeat the
exact same BIF setup work, on every single BBS ... the ICOMAUTO.ZIP
concept eliminates unnecessary work. If you have a fully working BIF for
a BBS, you might as well ZIP the BIF up and upload it as ICOMAUTO.ZIP.
It'll only take you a couple of minutes, other Icom users will be doing
it for you at *other* BBS's, thus allowing you to avoid the BIF setup
elsewhere, and everyone wins.
When Intellicomm users logon to a new BBS, they first always look for a
file called ICOMAUTO.ZIP. If this file is found all the user need do is
download it. Intellicomm keeps an eye out for files called ICOMAUTO.*
(any extension) after downloads and if one or more are found, when the
user disconnects, Icom will:
o Automatically uncompress each ICOMAUTO.* to a temporary directory
(handling each ICOMAUTO fully before moving on to the next, if
multiple ICOMAUTO.ZIPs were downloaded from different BBS's). If
*.BIF is found in the temporary directory after uncompressing, the
original ICOMAUTO.* archive is renamed to ICOMAnnn.* (nnn being a
number from 000 to 999) to avoid processiong the same file twice.
o Installs *.BIF from the temporary directory to the user's BIF
Directory. If the user already had a file of the same name, Icom
opens the existing BIF and gets the user's existing password, #
times connected and last date connected (these items are saved and
copied to the new incoming BIFs). The existing file is then renamed
to BIFNAME.OLD (if a previous .OLD exists, it's first deleted before
the rename).
o Appends *.NEW to the user's existing .NEW listing(s) (if any). The
.NEW list would contain important files that new users of the BBS
may be interested in. You needn't include a .NEW list in
ICOMAUTO.ZIP, but it's a nice touch.
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 2
o Next, the 'Port Settings' in the BIF are adjusted to suit the user's
default modem speed. Only the speed is adjusted, so you can, for
example, set the BIF up to use 2400,E,7,1 (even parity, 7 data bits,
1 stop bit), and Intellicomm will leave the E,7,1 as is, and will
replace the 2400 speed with the user's default port speed.
Intellicomm's 'Auto Baud Adjust' will take care of the rest when the
user connects.
o Next the BIF Notes (if any) are displayed. Notes are entered by
selecting "Notes" while in the BIF Editor, and they can be used to
welcome new users to the BBS, outline BBS rules, point of special
file areas or message conferences ... any information you might want
a new Intellicomm user to know about a particular BBS. The notes
remain on the screen so you can include special setup information
for the next two steps below.
o Next Intellicomm asks for the user's BBS PASSWORD, if s/he has no
password defined for the BIF. (Since the password data is stored
separately, it is possible that the user has already set a password
up for the BBS/BIF, and has just recently found ICOMAUTO.ZIP). If a
previous BIF of the same name existed before installation of this
new BIF, the existing password is used and the user is not prompted
for a password.
o Next Intellicomm goes through the .BIF itself (we're talking about
the .BIF that was included in the ICOMAUTO.ZIP here) looking for any
'replaceable parameters'. These parameters are surrounded by
percent (%) signs, and when found they tell Intellicomm to ask the
user for certain information, and then 'replace' the %PARM% with
whatever the user entered. The parameters available are:
%FIRST% Asks for the user's logon FIRST NAME for the BBS
%LAST% Asks for the user's logon LAST NAME
%BDATE% Asks for the user's BIRTH DATE (for logons)
%HPHONE% Asks for the user's HOME PHONE NUMBER (for logons)
%PNAME% Asks for a 'Message Type' PACKET FILENAME, where
'Message Type' is the type of message system (e.g.
%DOOR% Asks for a DOOR #/NAME to "do whatever". The "do
whatever" is the description of the BIF item as given
in the BIF Editor (e.g. Enter DOOR #/NAME to 'Access
Msg. Menu').
A default is offered wherever possible (the user's proper first or
last name, birth date, and home phone is offered from the main
setup, and the BIFNAME is offered as a default %PNAME%).
The response given by the user is saved in memory and the next time
Intellicomm runs across the same parameter in the same BIF, it
doesn't ask the user for the information, it simply replaces it
automatically (all except %DOOR% which is prompted for each time).
This can be handy, for example, if you need to use the mail packet
name or the user's name in a BBS prompt. Icom will ask the user for
the info, get the proper response, then replace any further
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 3
occurrences of this variable automatically. The responses the user
enters for each parameter are cleared between each BIF.
Keep in mind that the BIF Notes are displayed on the screen while
these replaceable parameters are being entered, so you can place any
extra help there if needed. The Wildcat v3 template asks for the
user's %HPHONE%, and Wildcat expects the phone number as AAAEEENNNN
(area code, exchange, number). So the BIF Notes in the Wildcat
template tell the user HOW to enter the information, when
Intellicomm asks for it.
Note that you may still use % in your BIF commands with no problems
(and a single % is still used on the BIF "File" screen as a
placeholder for various things). You could even define %PHONE% in a
BIF (rather than %HPHONE%) and Intellicomm would ignore it/send it
as a regular BBS command or watch for it, if defined as a prompt.
Replaceable parameters must match EXACTLY to have any effect, and
case IS significant (%hphone% won't work either).
o After all replaceable parameters are processed, Intellicomm saves
the BIF to disk, adds it to the user's BBS Dir (internal Icom menu),
then, for the icing on the cake, asks the user whether to Create a
standard set of Jobs for the BBS! The Jobs created are the usual
fare: Logon/Switch to Manual - BIFNAME, Send/Get Mail - BIFNAME, and
Send/Get Files - BIFNAME.
o Once ALL Auto-BIFs have been installed, set up and saved to disk,
and the temporary directory has been deleted, the Tagger will then
be called to import *.NEW (new files lists from the ICOMAUTO.ZIP
files) into the user's catalogs for his/her perusal.
As mentioned above, all the user need do is download ICOMAUTO.* to set
this chain of events into action. But instead of downloading the file,
if you simply give the ICOMAUTO archive to a friend on-disk, the user can
simply COPY ICOMAUTO.* into his/her global 'Download Dir', and
Intellicomm will find and install the file on its next startup. The user
could also extract ICOMAUTO.ZIP him/herself and just COPY *.BIF into the
BIF directory... Intellicomm will find it there too (assuming a file of
the same name didn't already exist; if it did Intellicomm won't notice
anything new).
Replaceable parameters are also processed when you "Create" or "Edit" a
Job from the BIF Editor, when you select a new Message/Bank Type, and
when you "Merge" a BIF Template into an existing BIF. Thus many
replaceable parms are also used in the BIF Templates and Message/Bank
Type Files (*.MTF, *.BTF).
The main purpose of the Auto-BIF is to allow many people to benefit from
the achievement of one user, and only ONE person per BBS will set up an
ICOMAUTO.ZIP. It might as well be you, if you have a working BIF for the
BBS. If you upload one, you may be repaid the favour someday when you
call a new BBS and find an ICOMAUTO.ZIP that someone *else* uploaded.
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 4
The idea is to eliminate work... there's no sense in everyone setting up
a BIF. With ICOMAUTO, as soon as ONE person gets a BIF working, everyone
else can benefit, and vice versa when you log onto new BBS's.
Of course, the best person to set up an Auto-BIF is the System Operator
of the BBS. The Sysop knows the BBS inside-out and will have little
trouble filling in the various prompts/commands. Another advantage the
Sysop has is direct access to the file ICOMAUTO.ZIP (where the Auto-BIF
is stored on each BBS). S/he can modify this file whenever necessary,
without having to worry about how to re-upload it and overwrite the old
file if necessary. The Sysop also knows where and when changes will be
made to the BBS that will affect the Auto-BIF. Finally, the Sysop can
also include special 'notes' in the Auto-BIF, pointing out special
features of the BBS and any important information about the BBS that all
users need to know. Since the notes are automatically displayed when
Intellicomm installs the BIF, it's a good place for a Sysop to
communicate with new users. Intellicomm may even be for sale on the BBS,
by the Sysop and the Notes are also a good place to mention this.
In lieu of direct Sysop participation (i.e. if you don't find an
ICOMAUTO.ZIP on a new BBS you call), anyone who uses Intellicomm
regularly on the BBS can set up and upload the Auto-BIF. You don't have
to be an Intellicomm expert to set an Auto-BIF up, and in fact, the Auto-
BIF might even be the first and only BIF you've ever set up. As long as
your BIF works, you're fully qualified to create the ICOMAUTO.ZIP.
It's no different than setting up any other BIF, at the start. Use the
BIF Learn mode to create the BIF, then use it for a few days doing mail
runs, file uploads and downloads, new files list imports, and bank
transactions if available.
Once you know the BIF is working properly you then just replace your own
name on the BIF "Logon" screen with %FIRST% and %LAST% (making sure to
leave any special formatting intact... e.g. %FIRST%^M%LAST%). Then move
to the 'External Extras' on Wildcat-oriented BIFs and enter %BDATE% and
%HPHONE% before the ^M (make sure to leave the ^M after the parameter;
%BDATE%^M). That's all there is to the setup. Save the BIF, compress it
into an archive called ICOMAUTO.ZIP, then upload it to the BBS for others
to use.
*IMPORTANT*: Make sure to give the BIF a good looking over when adding
the replaceable parameters so you don't miss any PROMPTS that should also
use replaceable parms. I.e. if your Logon "Confirm" prompt is using
"Lastname [Y/N]?" then you should define this as "%LAST% [Y/N]?" in for
the ICOMAUTO. If you leave YOUR lastname in the BIF, the prompt will not
match when someone with a different name uses the BIF. It is not
recommended that you use "%FIRST% %LAST% [Y/N]?" as a confirm prompt,
even though that's how many BBS's ask for it, because someone with a very
long name would overflow the prompt! This would cause Icom to truncate
the information. Twenty characters are the maximum per prompt, so
"MYNAMEIS RATHERLONG" would end up as "MYNAMIS RATHE [Y/N]?", if you used
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 5
both %FIRST% and %LAST% in the prompt. This theorically could even
happen with a longer %LAST% name only... so be careful when using name
parameters in prompts and make sure to use as little 'extra' text as
possible (e.g. "%LAST% [Y" instead of "%LAST% [Y/N]?").
Save adding the replaceable paramters to your Auto-BIF until AFTER you
have done all testing, and are ready to post it on the BBS. If you enter
%FIRST% %LAST% in the BIF prematurely -- and then must later "Edit" the
BIF for some reason (to change a prompt or command), Intellicomm will ask
you for your first and last name each time you Edit the BIF... which will
waste your time and force you to re-enter your replaceable parameters.
TIP: Icom will NOT actually replace the %PARAMETER% if you PRESS THE ESC
KEY when asked for the information. I.e. if you are asked for your FIRST
NAME and you don't want the parameter replaced, press Esc and %FIRST%
will be left in the BIF intact, and your name will not replace the
Don't use replaceable parameters unless you have to. Some of the
parameters are only of use/intended for new templates (for a new BBS type
or Bank/Message Type File). In most cases Auto-BIFs will be set up with
a specific BBS in mind, and the only replaceable parameters you'll need
are %FIRST% and %LAST%, and possibly %BDATE% %HPHONE%. Usually every
other item in the BIF can be set up ahead of time. If a packet name is
used in the BBS's Mail Door, don't use %PNAME% and hope that the user
will know the packet name ... simply specify (hardcode) the proper packet
name(s) in the BIF. Instead of using %DOOR%, call the BBS and find out
what the proper door name/number is. Many people won't know the proper
door number, etc., so it's always much safer to define it yourself,
wherever possible.
However, don't take this too far. If NO replaceable parameters are found
in a BIF, Intellicomm doesn't consider it an Auto-BIF, and it won't ask
the user for his/her BBS password nor ask whether to create a set of
standard Jobs. So even if you know the person's name you're setting the
BIF up for, you should still use at least the %FIRST% %LAST% parameters
so that Intellicomm will treat the BIF as an Auto-BIF.
Don't be fancy with these BIFs. If there's a fancy, less reliable way of
doing something... and a clunkier but MORE reliable way to do something -
- choose the clunky more reliable method. You can always place comments
in the BIF Notes if you like, giving tips for future enhancements, but
the objective of the Auto-BIF is to get a new user up and running quickly
and RELIABLY, so always favor reliability even if it hampers performance
Use Intellicomm's internal Zmodem as the Message/File Send and Receive
protocols wherever possible (and make sure to check the BBS Letters on
the protocol menu, in case the user doesn't have a default protocol set
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 6
up on the BBS). While other protocols may be more efficient (HS/Link,
for example), you don't want to get into something this fancy in an Auto-
BIF since the user may not even have HSLINK.EXE let alone have plugged it
into Icom's external protocol menu.
Most people just want to get up and running as quickly and easily as
possible on their first few tries with a new BBS/BIF, and many don't care
about performance -- as long as the job gets done, and they don't have to
do any extra work. So if you just do your best to ensure that the job
does get done, with as little setup as possible, you'll have an Auto-BIF
that will serve the majority well -- and will also serve as a very good
starting point for the power users.
Once your BIF is all ready to go with the proper % parameters, you're
ready to compress it and test it out. To do so, change to your main
Upload Directory (\ICOM\SND by default) from the DOS prompt, then enter:
where BIFNAME is the filename of the BIF. If you are going to include
multiple BIFs for the same BBS (one could be advanced/one novice, one
could be set up to use the NEWFILES catalog, another to use a GAMES
catalog, etc), then you would repeat the above command with each BIF, of
course, making sure that you also entered the replaceable parameters in
each BIF. If you also wish to include BIFNAME.NEW list(s) (listings of
important or interesting BBS files), you would then enter the command:
assuming you had the list in your regular 'List Directory'; if not
substitute with the proper path. .NEW lists are simply file listings
captured from the BBS, though PLEASE don't included a massive .NEW list.
People can do that on their own if they want to. The purpose of this
feature is to include a few (no more than a couple of dozen) interesting
or important BBS files. Again, you may also include multiple .NEW lists,
using different BIFNAMEs if necessary (though you should also include a
.BIF using the same base name of each .NEW list or they won't be of much
PKZIP isn't 'mandatory', but it is recommended since Icom uses the
Primary/Secondary unpacker commands, defined in each user's main setup,
to unpack ICOMAUTO.* -- and 99% of the time, people will have PKUNZIP
defined as their primary unpacker and PKUNPAK as their secondary (the
Icom defaults). So if you compress ICOMAUTO using ARJ, in all likelihood
the unpacking of the file will FAIL for most people, when Icom tries to
install it.
By this point you're probably POSITIVE that your BIF is all set up
properly and you just want to upload it. But to save yourself some
possible embarrassment, it is recommended that you give it the final
Intellicomm v2.01 AUTOICOM.DOC 7
once-over. I have been 'positive' that Auto-BIFs were all configured
properly many times... only to have found major mistakes on the very last
Once ICOMAUTO.ZIP has been created in your Upload Directory, and you
think it's ready for upload, you should then copy it to your Download
Directory to simulate that you had just downloaded it from the BBS. Then
start Intellicomm and ensure that the file does install properly, display
the BBS notes (if any) that you wanted, and ask the right questions.
After you enter Intellicomm, change to the "BBS Dir" with [Alt-D] and
give the newly installed BIF(s) a final going over with the "Edit"
command, to ensure that everything ended up as you wanted it. If you
included .NEW list(s) you might also check to ensure that it/they
imported to the Tagger correctly. If all's well, then ICOMAUTO.ZIP is
already in your Upload Directory and you're ready to upload it to the
BBS! The recommended description you use for the file is "Intellicomm
Auto-BIF for BBS Name"; BBS Name being the name of the BBS. Please note
that Intellicomm has two l's and two m's (consistency in spelling is
important when people do file searches on the BBS to locate the
If you did find one or more a mistakes in the final test, fix them up and
don't forget to update ICOMAUTO.ZIP with the fix. If the mistake was in
a .NEW list then you can simply edit the list with your editor and
perform the PKZIP command again to replace the .NEW file in
\ICOM\SND\ICOMAUTO.ZIP. If the problem was with a .BIF then you should
exit Intellicomm, change to \ICOM\BIF then COPY BIFNAME.OLD BIFNAME.BIF
(.OLD is the existing BIF as it was in your BIF directory [should have
all the replaceable parms, etc.] before the ICOMAUTO.ZIP was installed).
Then start Icom, enter the BIF Editor (making sure to press ESC when
asked any questions) and fix up your errors, re-save the .BIF -- then go
back up to "ZIPPING IT UP". It's a bigger job to fix up errors found in
the final testing... which is why you should make absolutely sure that
you've done everything properly BEFORE you think about adding the
replaceable parameters and compressing up ICOMAUTO.ZIP.
Thanks for participating, and may you find many an ICOMAUTO.ZIP created
by OTHER Icom users on the new BBS's you call in the future!